More Links to Share

I found several things that I wanted to share with you this week, but managed to narrow it down to 5 for your blog-reading pleasure.

  1. Expatriates in Asia - Erica describes with words and video what it is like for her young daughters living in Asia.
  2. Why I Stay Home - Babychaser reminded me why I chose to be a stay-at-home-mother.
  3. How to Hear the Word of God - I can't link to everything John Piper writes, so I try to just pick the best. This one spoke to me personally so it is the one I decided to share.
  4. How Church Should Be - Since we are currently looking for a new church, this one really hit me. I wish we could find a place like this in our new town! Finding a new church is so hard.
  5. Blogger Tutorials - Everything you ever wanted to know about hacking your Blogger template can be found at this site. I could never take advantage of all the information it contains.


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