Get Back to the Table

Does your family eat dinner together on a regular basis? Do you sit down together at the table to eat? Are the meals prepared by your family?

I am so glad that I can answer yes, yes, and yes to these questions. But I will admit, that, until this summer, we rarely sat together at the table to eat. For most of our married life actually, Bruce and I sat in the living room and watched TV while we ate dinner. Now that we have Charlotte and don't have as much free time in the evenings, I insist that the three of us eat dinner together, with the TV off.

It has helped me feel more connected to my family, as small as it is, to know that we will have those 30-45 minutes of uninterrupted time together each day. Eating dinner together serves as an anchor for our afternoon and evening plans.

If your family isn't eating together as much as you like, there is even a website to help you - Get Back to the Table. Here, you can find recipes and grocery tips from Libby's. Libby's has teamed up with Sara Evans for the month of September and is even giving away a backstage dinner with Sara to help encourage moms like us.

Oh, and there is even a coupon for canned goods to go along with all those great Libby recipes!

Now for the giveaway. I have 1 copy of Sara Evans' Greatest Hits. It is new, in the package.

I will draw 1 lucky winner next Monday. There are three ways to enter and you can do any of them you like, for up to three entries:
  1. Leave a comment telling me you want to enter,
  2. Subscribe to my RSS feed, and leave a 2nd comment telling me you did so, or already are subscribed, and
  3. Link to my giveaway on your own blog, leaving another comment with the permalink to you post.
That's it. 3 ways to win and 1 lucky winner. This giveaway will end at midnight on Monday, September 22.

The winner of last week's giveaway is Amy Starr. But she didn't leave any contact info so hopefully, Amy, you are a subscriber. Please send me an e-mail through my About Me page so I can get your prize package off to you. If I don't hear from Amy by Thursday afternoon, I will choose a new winner.

Don't miss any of my upcoming giveaways -
Subscribe to Family Musings by Email or Subscribe in a reader


  1. I want to entry for the give away! I also love that you posted about eating at the table. When I was growing up, we ALWAYS ate at the table with no music or tv in the background. We talked, listened and learned. I have major memories around that dinner table. I hope to share that again one day.

  2. Please enter me in your giveaway...!


  3. I have also subscribed to your RSS feed. That's how I found out that you were having this great giveaway!

  4. What a great giveaway! Thanks for the chance to win! Please enter me!

  5. Would love to be entered. My husband and I always try to eat together. I always ate with my family growing up and think its a great thing! My son is 9 months old, so I hope to continue this habbit with him!

  6. I blogged about your giveaway here:

  7. I want to enter. And, I love Sara Evans and the nights we get to eat dinner as a family, which is almost all the time for now.

  8. I would LOVE to enter your giveaway! We always ate supper as a family, and we do our best to eat together with our children too!

  9. Would love a chance to win!! GReat giveaway!! My husband and I are trying to get in the habbit of turning off the tv when we eat!!

  10. I am subscribed to your feed!! :)

  11. Thanks for offering the CD. I'd love to win! It's just me and my husband, but we cook and eat together all the time. Click to visit my blog!

  12. Hi, I'd like to be entered into the drawing.

  13. Hi, please enter me I am already a subscriber!

  14. would love to win.

  15. i subscribed to your email feed.

  16. I love Sara Evans and would love her CD and veggies are good too!

    ldsmom2201 at yahoo dot com

  17. Please enter me. We eat together but I'm usually standing at the table.

  18. I would love to enter!

    Thank you!

    janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

  19. I am subscribed.

    janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com


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