Letter from Daddy

My little girl, Charlotte Moon,

It’s amazing how much I love you. You fill my heart with joy. You can try my patience when you throw food on the floor, or hit me in the head with a wood block, as you did today. But, you so easily make up for it with a simple crossing of your arms and grasping of your hands; that’s your own sign for “hug.”

Over the last year, you’ve changed from a helpless newborn to a toddler. You walk around our house, climb our stairs, and steal our hearts. I try to savor all my time with you, from your first waking moments, when you’re bright-eyed and ready to play, to those moments when you rub your eyes and drift off the sleep. And at night, when I have a break from witnessing your daily milestones, I wonder about your future.

I have no idea what God has planned for you. I can only imagine and wait, with you, to see your life unfold. My task, during these years, is simply to be your father. And I hope and pray that I can be a good father for you. I hope and pray that I can give you a glimpse of your heavenly father.

And each day, I can look at you and say:
Charlotte , the Lord bless you and protect you. The Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you. The Lord look with favor on you and give you peace.
Your daddy


  1. Charlotte is so blessed to have a father that loves her so much, a father that tries to model the Heavenly Father's love for her.

  2. Sniff again! What a blessed little girl!


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