To Do List Update
I posted a To Do list several days ago and thought I'd share how I'm coming with it. Sell our appliances on Craig's List . They are still listed, but not yet sold... I may need to lower the price. Finish unpacking boxes . Ha! Yeah right. After our sale last weekend I have even more boxes. I did get the bathroom cabinets and Charlotte's diapers organized though. Get ready for big indoor sale at old house. Done. And over with too. It went really well and I met my earnings goal. I still have a lot of stuff left though and need to donate it. Create a loose daily routine. Still working on this one. I am trying to figure out what works best for Charlotte. Spend more time with God on a daily basis. I have been reading 1 Corinthians since last week. Pare down the # of blogs in my Google Reader. I'm down to 62, but 2 of those are mine! Work on preparing healthy meals for our family. I salvaged some of my favorite Weight Watchers cook books during my yard sale prep and am...