The "Bee" Happy Sisters

If we've talked little girl clothes recently, you know that I have more clothes for both girls than I know what to do with. It makes laundry both easy and hard. Easy because I don't have to do it but once every three weeks or so. Hard because then I have three weeks worth of laundry to fold and put away! Ugh!

Despite this, I really love dressing the girls in matching or coordinating outfits. Recently, I wanted to get some pictures of them wearing new "Bee Happy" shirts I found at Target. It went well, but then it didn't. Judge for yourself.

 Charlotte trying to get Mary to smile..


  1. Oh I love them all especially when she is squeezing Mary so incredibly hard in the last picture. I loved dressing Lottie and Emma the they won't let me anymore:(

  2. That is so cute! Also, I just bought that same outfit for my little girl for later this summer -what great taste you have...

  3. adorable! I love dressing my girls alike too!

  4. I can't believe how big they are getting!


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