Mary is 3 Months Old Today

I know that sounds weird to say, but it just took me longer this time to get that feeling of not wanting to put her down or be away from her. That feeling of just wanting to soak her all in until I can't stand it anymore.

Now, a brief update on how therapy has been going... Mary has been taking her bottles for the last couple of weeks without any cheek or jaw support. So, Nikki (her ST) and I decided it was time to move her from the low flow nipple with 1 hole to a slow flow nipple with 2 holes.
After the first few gulps, she started choking and coughing again and I suddenly realized how far we had come. She used to do that with every bottle. Nikki began pacing her a little to see how Mary would respond. First Nikki stopped every 3 swallows, then every 4, then every 5. After Mary finished 2 of her 3 ounces, she was pacing herself and finished the last ounce with no problem. She was a fast learner. At home, I've had to do the same thing, pacing for the first 2 ounces and by then, Mary can regulate the last ounce herself.

Pictures -
Top Left: Mary napping because seems to be the only time I have my camera out at home!
Middle Right - At the Lakeland Parade
Bottom Left - With second cousin the day after Thanksgiving
Oh what a sweet post for your Mary. She is so precious. I understand what you meant completely.