Angel Breakfast

Each year, our church hosts an Angel breakfast a few weeks before Christmas. We attended our first one this year. The purpose of the breakfast is to encourage parents to keep Christ in Christmas.

Charlotte had the chance to make some angel crafts, including this stamped bag. I am so glad she didn't get that red paint on her dress!

Another angel craft we made with a dishtowel, pot holder, and wash rag. It was simple to make and will be a lovely gift for some special teachers and nursery workers in our lives. Though the assembling of the angel was over Charlotte's head, she still found something else to put over her head.

Mary was with us too of course, but didn't seem so thrilled about wearing her angel costume.

During some down time between the yummy pancakes and the art projects, Bruce entertained Charlotte with their new game - "I've got your nose!" I am sure I don't need to explain the rules to you...


  1. I love Charlotte's dress!

    I haven't quite figured out why the nose game is so popular in the toddler set, but it seems to be a hit everywhere...

  2. Mary is quite the angel. Charlotte looks proud of her sack. Her dress is so pretty.

  3. Oh Jennifer....they are both so precious. I still play "got your nose" with Lottie when she is in a foul always makes her smile.


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