We Love Baseball!

Going to the Lakeland Flying Tigers games is truly one of our favorite things to do during the summer. Sure, it starts out super hot at 6 pm, but after an hour the breeze settles in and the crowd gets into it and fun is had by all. There are corny songs... Fun clapping rhythms that Charlotte really gets in to... Dancing to 3-seconds of popular songs in between batters... and mascots!

Charlotte always wants her pictures taken with the mascots. This is the first time we caught up with Ace for a picture. Here she is right after giving him her classic "tree hug."
(A "tree hug" is when Charlotte hugs your leg, because legs are a lot like trees. Get it?)

This isn't that bad for a family pic... right? It does a good job of summing up the fun we have. Smiles for everyone and no one quite sitting in their seat the right way!

This weekend Mary was being particularly camera happy for us... just one of a few cute ones Bruce took. And when I say cute, I mean Mary!


  1. That mascot must be hot. Good pictures. You and Mary both look cute.


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