We Interrupt This Birthday Bash...

... to tell you why I need a blog makeover.

Long time readers will know that this blog has worn many different fashions.  

Some nicer than others to be sure.

At one point, I even  had a really cool professional blog design, but then, that company went under and my awesome blog design went away with their image hosting. :(

[Insert really cool blue silhouette of girl holding a balloon here]

And I've been floundering for several months since Mary was born because my old blog design didn't include her, just Charlotte.

I finally got tired of not seeing both my daughters on my page and now, I'm just stuck with this simple, standard Blogger template. The colors are great, but a gazillion other people have the same design! And now my button doesn't match my blog.

I am in major need of a blog makeover that reflects my family, passions, style idiom, and favorite colors!

My style idiom is very well defined. I do my best to make sure my home and my personal wardrobe are in line with it - Clean lines. Bright colors. With a touch of whimsy or the unexpected.

Also, I am easy to work with because I know what I like. I know there are few things worse than trying to create for someone who has no idea what they expect.

So, if you happen to know anyone giving away free blog makeovers... please send them my way. In the mean time, I'm hoping this post will convince Jacqui to give me a blog makeover courtesy of Wacky Jacqui Designs.

Edited to add that Jacqui's Grand Prize giveaway includes so many blog upgrades I can barely handle it! Check it out!

This GRAND PRIZE includes:

A Blog make over that include everything I can do.
• 2 or 3 column design
• Custom background
• Custom header (basic or animated)
• Matching font color
• Sidebar titles (unlimited)
• Custom signature
• Custom post divider
• Social network icons (unlimited)
• Convert to a 3 column layout (if needed)
• Custom blog button (2 included)
• Matching profile picture
• Navigation bar with text or images
• Matching twitter background
• Favicon
• Deletion of Blogger navigation bar if desired
• Installation


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