Giveaway: hoops&yoyo

How about we go a little outside of the box with this review? Explore a unique idea for a party favor? Have a little fun with hoops&yoyo? According to my sources at Hallmark, these are the most popular characters Hallmark offers.

What if, next time you threw a toddler party, you gave the moms a party favor instead of just the kids? They’ll share great memories and laughs at your toddler's birthday and then continue the laughs when the hostess offers an assortment of hoops&yoyo Happy Birthday sound cards to moms on their way out of the party. I don't know anyone who doesn't crack at least a small smile when they hear hoops&yoyo.

They can choose one and use them to send to one of their friends who has a birthday coming up. I’ve never seen anyone do this before but what a great idea/parting gift for moms who came and gave of their time/money making your toddler’s experience a great one.

Another out of the box idea is to throw a hoops&yoyo party. The pink and green colors can be used together or alone to fit either a boy or a girl theme. Or if your party is like ours will be next week, they can work together for a gender neutral party. Favors could include the hoops&yoyo plushes, CDs, or sound buttons. You can also use the cards online as e-invitations. There are several free cards to choose from that can be modified to do this.

What about serving your cake on a plate with your toddler's face? Hallmark has several customizable plate designs to choose from for people of all ages. Of course they have a hoops&yoyo plate, but they also have plates that can be customized for more formal affairs such as anniversary dinners. It is kind of fun to play with the plate customizer too, even if you didn't end up ordering one, your toddler would probably have fun seeing their picture on one of these plates.

One of the nice thing about a hoops&yoyo theme is that you can purchase your supplies online if you have plenty of time or you can go to your local Hallmark store (call 1-800-HALLMARK to fine one that carries what you are looking for).

My contact at Hallmark (the one who came up with some of these great, out of the box ideas,) sent me 2 hoops&yoyo cards and 2 hoops&yoyo CDs to give away to 2 different readers - 1 card and CD per person.

How to Enter: There are five ways to enter and you can do any of them you like, for up to five entries:

1. Visit hoops&yoyo online (hit your mute button if you have a sleeping baby in your lap!) and then leave a comment telling me one thing you learned about hoops&yoyo or Hallmark,
2. 'Like' hoops&yoyo Facebook and then leave a 2nd comment telling me you did so,
3. Subscribe to my RSS feed or subscribe by email, and leave a 3rd comment telling me you did so, or already are subscribed,
4. Link to my giveaway on your own blog, leaving another comment with the permalink to you post, or
5. Follow me on Twitter, then tweet this giveaway and leave a 5th comment with the permalink.

That's it. 5 ways to win and 2 lucky winners. This giveaway will end Saturday, Augsut 21st at midnight. Read all contest rules here.

FTC Disclosure: I received no products from Hallmark to facilitate my giveaway; only the giveaway products to share with two of my readers, were provided.


  1. I had never heard of hoops and yoyo before. Granted, I tend to stay away from the mall, so I don't get into a Hallmark very often. They were very cute tho! I also hadn't thought of going to and sending e-cards. I think my kids will get a kick out of sending them to our extended family out of state!

  2. and I am an email subscriber;)

  3. I visited their site and couldn't stop laughing. I've never heard of them before, but now I can't wait to show my 9 year ols! I learned they are supposed to be a pink cat and green bunny. I wouldn't have realized that (sadly) on my own.

  4. I like Hoops & yoyo on FB as Lisa Duncan

  5. I subscribed to your RSS feed.

  6. I posted this giveaway on my linky


  7. I follow you on twitter @My2CentsFL and tweeted

  8. i like hoops and yoyo on facebook

    tcogbill at live dot com

  9. i just subscribed to your email

    tcogbill at live dot com

  10. I learned to sing about coffee! I love these guys!

  11. I follow your RSS feed at this address!

  12. I have always loved Hoops and Yoyo!! I think they are hysterical. I did however learn that they are supposed to be a cat and a bunny. How did I not see that?

  13. I liked them on Fb
    FB ID april yedinak

  14. I learned that they have a little blue friend named Piddle

  15. I learned that Hoops and Yoyo are a pink kitty & green bunny.

  16. Like hoops&yoyo Facebook

  17. subscribe by email

  18. They have a little blue friend named Piddles :) I LOVE Hoops & YoYo!

    stephanierosenhahn at yahoo dot com

  19. Like Hoops & YoYo on FB!
    Username: Stephanie Rosenhahn
    stephanierosenhahn at yahoo dot com

  20. Following you via RSS!

    stephanierosenhahn at hotmail dot com

  21. I love love love Hoops & Yoyo! They are my favorite cards at Hallmark!

    I learned they have their own blog... cool!

    NutHouseReviews at gmail dot com

  22. i tweeted

  23. I am a Hoops and Yoyo NUT! I love love love them, they are all over my office, and my family always gets me some hoops and yoyo goodness for my birthday or holidays. I am patiently waiting for new e-cards, because I love sending them.

    I learned that they will be having a blackberry app coming out soon! YAY!

  24. I learned that Hoops & Yoyo have a little blue friend named Piddle

  25. I visited there site but have to admit I didnt learn anything new! LOL..That is because my daughter is a huge Hoops and Yo YO fan and we always on the site and there blog :)

  26. I liked Hoops and Yo Yo on FB

  27. I learned that they have a friend named piddles :)

    mellanhead74 at

  28. I like them on FB (Jd denchek-Scavo)

    mellanhead74 at

  29. Following from Ten Talents This or That..

    I subscribed to email on your blog


  30. I had never heard of them before, so I learned how cute and funny they are :-)

  31. they have a cute coffee run game

  32. i learned that they are a cat and a bunny. too cute!

  33. They are so cute ;) I learned that their fan store will reopen on 10/25 with all new exclusive hoops and yoyos products

  34. email subscriber


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