Review: The Party Starts Here

When your daughter asks for a pink and purple birthday party, planning is pretty simple. There is room to be creative and have fun with the invitations. And you know what, I did just that. I found these cute birthday invitations at The Party Starts Here and thought they fit Charlotte's personality perfectly.

The personalization process is easy to follow and the variety of invitations to choose from is awesome. They really had something for every personality or party theme out there. One thing I appreciated about The Party Starts Here is that they will also sell you a blank card so frugal moms can save the $7 personalization fee and do it themselves. The cards themselves were printed on thick card stock with an appropriately thick envelope to match. I wasn't worried about these cards getting damaged in the mail and I think the one I saved for posterity will stand the test of time.

After browsing the various invitations, I want to throw more parties just so I can order and use these adorable invites! How about a Super Hero Party invitation?

Or for a jungle theme birthday party:

Maybe your child is really into movies too? I can already imagine the whole party, just by the inspiration from this movie clapboard invitation:

The number of different invites, cards, or announcements they offer truly is stunning. Moms who are trying to involve their children in the party planning process could even use the selection to spur their child's imagination. Or once you have settled on the theme, you could let your child pick the invitation from within that theme.

Where do you normally get your invitations from? Which The Party Starts Here invitation do you like best?

FTC Disclosure: I received 1 pack of party invitations for review purposes only.


  1. I love parties just like every one does. And I think kids love to attend parties if the invitation is eye catchy just like you did. And I'm sure mommies would love that:) Perfect!


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