Life Happens (Or Why The Birthday Series Is Delayed)

My life is wonderful! There are few things I would change about it. Even when it gets kind of crazy busy and I need to spend my relaxation time watching the Food Network instead of blogging. Then, you throw in a 3 day hospital visit for my mom (she's okay, thanks for asking), the pending arrival of an exchange student (who is staying for 10 months!), and my preparations to leave for another 3 1/2 days to go to the MOPS Convention (the 2nd time in so many weeks that Bruce gets to have solo overnight parenting duties)! Oh, and don't forget the planning for my oldest daughter's 3rd birthday!

So much is going on I can hardly decide what to do first! That being said, my birthday series is going to be postponed until next week when I get back from my MOPS Convention. By then, I should have all sorts of other details taken care of and be able to give my full attention to showing you with more than 15 different birthday related giveaways! If you are a vendor participating in that giveaway, rest assured, you are not forgotten! And if you are a reader waiting to win birthday cake, jewels, clothing, or lots of other really cool things,  you are still much loved!


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