Will Work for Food

In case anyone is interested in putting a little extra cash in my pocket, I have two opportunities for you that leave you with just as much as me.

First, you can visit my shop on Half.com and buy some books. I am a fast shipper and my item descriptions are always accurate. My seller rating is 100% positive and I have a wide range of books to choose from. There is probably at least 1 book in a genre you like.

Second, you can purchase Pampered Chef products from me. I am a new consultant (again), and am looking for local and distant customers to place individual orders or to hold catalog shows. If you are in Central FL, I could probably even come to your house and cook dinner for 10 of your closest friends and co-workers all while you add up how much free Pampered Chef stuff you will be getting!

I told you that you wouldn't just be giving me money. I have to work for either one of the options you choose.


  1. I will check out the books! Do you ship internationally? And I LOVE Pampered Chef and if I were in the US might buy something, alas . . .


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