Alphabet School - "B"

We had another fun crafty week with the letter B.

Our first art project of the week was to make binoculars out of tissue paper rolls. This was Charlotte's first experience with a paint brush and she worked it pretty well, but eventually she settled for smearing it around and getting the paint on her hands. Once the 2 rolls had dried, I just use packaging tape to tape them together. The whole family had a good time playing with them. Bruce or I would show her how to hold them up to her eyes, and then encourage her to do the same. Sometimes she did...and sometimes she didn't... she imitates us a little too well at times.

For some strange reason, I think I looked forward to the next craft the most this week - Ball Art. Basically, you put some paint on paper and then roll a ball around so that it leaves marks wherever it goes. It was fun to watch Charlotte's face as she saw paint appear where the ball had been. We did this twice, and yes, I realize I ended up with an orange and blue combo. I guess it is okay though since they did win the National Championship recently.

Blueberry bush - Next, we played with finger paints again, and tried to just use our fingers. Charlotte designed a blueberry bush by making little blue finger dots all over this picture of a tree. I confess a few of the "blueberries" were made with my finger, but I had to show her how to do it. I had intended to do this last week with apples and red paint, but we never got to it.

Coffee Ground Bears - I wasn't sure how the next project would go since it was our first time dealing with glue. I didn't have any Elmer's, so I made a paste up with flour and glue then painted it onto a bear shape I printed off the internet. Next, I gave her a spoon to spread coffee grounds over the bear. That didn't last long with her fine motor skills being what they are, so she just tried to pick it up between her fingers and sprinkle it on the bear.

Balloon Art - The last big thing we did last week also involved paste and shapes that I cut out from construction paper. We had a picture of a hot air balloon and first colored it with crayons, then, I brushed some more paste onto the balloon and let Charlotte place the shapes onto the balloon. I was surprised by how well she did placing the shapes and not overlapping them.

Also, just like our first week we played with fingerpaint (though we missed out on the sidewalk chalk because it was cold!). I am sure this will be a regular staple in our house now that I know how much Charlotte enjoys it. Even if Mommy isn't too fond of cleaning all that tempera paint out of Charlotte's hair! Again, we still didn't get to everything I had planned, but that is okay... we'll see if I can modify it for next week and the letter C.

I did some Google searches and also snaked some of Jane's sources, and these were the websites that helped us this week. First School Apples 4 the Teacher Everything Preschool Enchanted Learning


  1. Looks like fun! Glad Charlotte likes the paints. We are finally getting back to "S" week after a really long break here, but we really miss our paints... That's what made a lot of the crafts - I might do all the assembling, but as long as Esme could paint it somehow, it became HERS.


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