Shake, shake, shake...

Shake your maraca!

As I mentioned at the beginning of the year, there will be fewer reviews on Family Musings in 2009. One of the products I committed to reviewing in early December though, is something I would have told you about eventually even if no one asked me too. Charlotte likes it that much.

It is the Critter Conga (available at Costco, but not online, anywhere) from Parents, the same people who produce the popular magazine of the same name. Charlotte has never had a Parents toy before but when I read the literature and about their commitment to "beautiful quality toys that are fun and safe," I was eager to try it out let Charlotte play with it.

This is a musical toy, and a loud one at that. All of the instruments you see pictured fit inside the Leopard Conga Drum. Plus, there are 2 Snake Drumsticks that you don't see. Those are Charlotte's favorite part of the whole thing. She plays the drums on just about anything!

The loudest part of the toy is the Tambourine Lid. The bells on it are huge and you can hear it any where in the house when Charlotte is shaking it up.

There are three different types of whistles - Antelope Slide Whistle, Rain Bird Whistle, and an Elephant Recorder. Daddy and I tried to show Charlotte how to use the whistles and when it was her turn, she put the whistle to her mouth and blew, all while making a high pitched noise with her throat. That cracked us up that she thought she had to make the noise herself.

I really dig the Parents philosophy that "When the toy does less, the child does more." I will definitely be looking more closely at the Parents toys next time I go shopping for Charlotte.


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