Guest Review: Trigger Memory Systems

I have started teaching Charlotte how to clean up around the house and for now, she generally enjoys helping mommy do various tasks. I've been wondering how I can sustain that when, well, I'm not really the best housekeeper there ever was. This week, Tess shares a solution that worked for her family. Since a new year is starting, why not make a fresh start with your own kids!

When I was growing up I never saw my mom do laundry or clean the house.  I didn’t know how it all got done while I was at school and I never asked.  Well, I wish that someone had told me how much laundry a family of 5 can generate.  I wish someone had told me about how dirty a home can get and how it really should take everyone’s help to keep it clean.  My kids are home schooled and with me all the time.  They are never gone so that the house cleaning fairies can come and do their job.  Nope, my kids get to witness this from the front line and their hands are getting dirty. The help I needed to teach my kids was found in Trigger Memory Systems.  I had been using it with my kids already and knew the benefits before I was asked to review this product.

Trigger Memory Systems has three wonderful books.
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Take your pick.  They are all great.  The pictures are just as cute as the covers.  Your child or children just flip the pages and do the task on that page.  Step by step….The only one that is different is the Zone Cleaning.  This book is a little longer and can be marked on with a dry erase pen.  It covers the kitchen, living room and bathroom.  The books can be purchased separately or in a set.  I highly, highly recommend these books.

image Another truly unique book put out by this company is Times Tales.  Great book for kids having trouble with memorizing their times tables.

This book uses cute, simple stories to help recall the multiplication facts.  My son thought they were a little silly, but his mind isn’t always as open as I wish it to be.

Well, that’s it for this review.  I love these books. You can learn more about Trigger Memory Systems by visiting their website or the TOS Oldschoolhouse Crew blog

Take care.   Tess


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