Consumer Products Safety Improvement Act

There has been a lot of talk in the blogosphere about whether or not the Consumer Products Safety Improvement Act will put thrift and consignment stores out of business. After reading the summary, I am not sure that is the intention of the law, but decided to contact my Congressional representatives anyway. I can't afford to lose access to consignment and thrift stores, not in this economy!

This is the text of the message I sent them:
After reading news reports about this law that goes into affect on February 10th, I am concerned that it will put thrift stores and consignment shops out of business.

As a mom with one small child and another on the way, I can not afford to lose access to gently used clothing and toys. In this economy in particular, I can't imagine the Congress really meant to pass a law that would make it harder for citizens to clothe their children.

Additionally, what is to become of all gently used toys? Will they end up in landfills? Perfectly good toys should be allowed to be resold.

Please review this act and let me know if there is anything you can do to save our thrift and consignment shops.
I would encourage anyone who doesn't want to lose access to second hand stores or who doesn't want to put millions of toy and clothing articles in the landfills to please let your representatives in Congress know about your concern. Also, here is the link to the government's own website about this act.

It was easy to find out who to contact. For my Senate representatives, I visited this site to look them up. And to find out who my representative in the House is, I went to the Write Your Representative page to look her up. Everyone has 2 Senators and 1 Representative.


  1. in the UK they have a group thats set up a web portal where you enter your voting district and what you want to send and they'll fax/email it to the right MP. I've never been sure if its a great service or sad that an NGO had to do it. - John


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