Giveaway: Shop to Stop Slavery

Some times my giveaways are fun things for the family. Some times they are useful things for the kitchen. And some times, I have the privilege of giving away something that is so meaningful every life touched by it will be moved.

Today, I have the blessing of sharing Shop To Stop Slavery with you. It was started by Robin, a MOPS mom, who knew there had to be a better way to give lovely gifts to our friends and family, a way that didn't rely on slave labor. So, she opened Shop to Stop Slavery and now connects people all over the world with fair trade vendors through mutually beneficial purchases.

When I met Robin in person, her passion for helping the impoverished and victims of human trafficking was clear. She is incredibly knowledgeable about the realities of forced labor around the world. Robin told me that she designed her store to be "the online resource to buy slave free products and abolish slavery through socially responsible shopping."

As you consider the gifts you will purchase for Christmas this year, please visit Shop to Stop Slavery and browse their diverse collection of apparel, jewelry, shoes, beauty products, food, and even sporting goods.

To encourage you to learn more about Robin's company, she has offered this limited edition, Gebo Mana, organic t-shirt (size L) to one of the readers of Family Musings. Here's how to enter:

  1. Visit Shop To Stop Slavery and then leave a comment telling me one item you'd like to buy.
  2. 'Like' Family Musings  and Shop To Stop Slavery on Facebook, and leave a 2nd comment letting me know you did.
  3. Subscribe to my RSS feed or subscribe by email, and leave a 3rd comment telling me you did so, or already are subscribed.
  4. Link to my giveaway on your own blog, leaving another comment with the permalink to you post.
  5. Enter any of my other current giveaways and leave a comment with the permalink to your comment. 
  6. Tweet this giveaway, then follow Family Musings and Shop to Stop Slavery on Twitter. Leave a 5th comment with the twitter permalink.
That's it. 6 way to win and 1 lucky reader. This giveaway will end Sunday, November 13th at midnight. Read all contest rules here.

FTC Disclosure: I received no consideration for this post and am sharing Shop to Stop Slavery with you because I agree with their purpose and want to be part of abolishing modern day slavery.


  1. I'd like to buy the Roma Rain Boots! So cute.

  2. I liked Family Musings and Shop to Stop Slavery on FB!

  3. My daughter has asked for one thing for Christmas; a pair of Tom's shoes. So that's what I would get.

  4. Already like both Family Musings and Shop to Stop Slavery on FB.

  5. Follow Family Musings and Shop to Stop Slavery on Twitter, and also tweeted:!/shawnaleeirish/status/131025890695053313

  6. roma rain boots

  7. I'd get the bubble felt pouch ( It's super cute.

  8. I'd love a beaded necklace, any color.

  9. I entered the Sesame Street giveaway, too.

  10. I like the wonderfully made jewelry.

  11. I love the Roma Rain Boots!

    Laurasu82 at

  12. Love the handbags!!

  13. subscribe via rss

  14. tweeted under frugalwahms

  15. Mwanamke necklace is beautiful


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