31 Quick Snacks for Moms

I've been in a nutritional glut recently. In addition to experiencing a loss of appetite due to new medication, I've been too preoccupied with life to take the time each day to eat any decent food. A recent experience with vitamin supplements really woke me up to the fact that I need to do a better job of caring for myself. So, during a brainstorming session with Karissa, I decided to make a list of 31 quick snacks for moms.

Most of these items can be eaten on the go, though some don't travel as well as others. To make it on this list the snack has to be made in 5 minutes or less and be reasonably healthy, in other words no homemade chocolate chip cookies, ice cream, or drive-thru french fries. I also tried to mostly include things that had some protein and good carbs in them.
  1. Crackers or pita chips w/ hummus
  2. Homemade microwave popcorn (the pre-made stuff is awful once you've made your own)
  3. Half a peanut butter sandwich on whole grain bread w/ a small glass of milk
  4. Trail mix w/ a piece of fruit
  5. Store bought granola bar (or homemade granola bars if you planned ahead)
  6. Cheddar cheese and apple slices
  7. Yogurt cup w/ graham crackers for dipping
  8. Scrambled egg on a toasted English muffin
  9. Fresh mozarella w/ tomato slices or grape tomatos
  10. Rolled up deli meat & cheese 
  11. Almonds & canned sardines (HT: Alton Brown via Twitter)
  12. Cheese quesadilla (super quick on the stove top)
  13. Baked tortilla chips & a generous serving of salsa
  14. Tuna salad in a mini pita
  15. Fruit & yogurt parfait
  16. Applesauce and a mozarella cheese stick
  17. Celery and peanut butter (a classic)
  18. Fresh or frozen grapes and gouda slices
  19. 1 oz cashews and 1 piece of really good dark chocolate
  20. Small tortilla rolled up with hummus spread & orange slices
  21. Pudding cup (homemade or store bought) with 1 oz chopped nuts mixed in
  22. Sunflower seeds & veggies (HT: Robert Irvine via Twitter)
  23. Cheerios w/ berries & skim milk
  24. Bagel Thin w/ light cream cheese (and lox if you like it!)
  25. Wheat crackers & peanut butter w/ strawberries
  26. Greek yogurt w/ honey
  27. Plain, instant oatmeal made with applesauce, maple syrup, & walnuts
  28. Goldfish, raisins, & dehydrated apples
  29. Iced coffee & cheese toast
  30. Baby carrots and your favorite dressing (used in moderation)
  31. Soft pretzel with mustard for dipping
In my house, I'd probably combine 2 of these to make a breakfast or lunch. Since we are a busy family, I don't like food to be a big production during the day so it is easier for me to make "snacks" into meals, especially when there are no dinner leftovers to eat up. I like to say that we eat bento style a lot.

I plan to post this on the inside of a kitchen cabinet and always try to keep 5-6 of these snacks on hand at any given time. You may not care for all of these snacks, so feel free to leave other suggestions in the comments.


  1. As our kids have gotten older, we've found that the snacks with a higher protein content get them further along...works wonders with us adults too AND it's reduced the number of processed foods we have in the house. An unexpected benefit, our grocery bill actually went down! I attribute this to the kids being filled up on whole foods rather than snacking through junk. Little Debbie's may be cheap...but not if they're eaten 2 or 3 in one sitting :)
    Nice post Jen!

  2. These dishes are interesting and easier and i think your are right that to keep few of dishes at tips and they are easier to manage for kids.Thanks your dishes are awesome and to easier.

  3. Peanut Butter on Apples - like the cheese/apple but PB stores easier

    Cheese with Banana - sliced cheese wraps around it nicely for kid-eating; from Mr. Rodgers (remember him?)

    'water' crackers (fat free) w/ peanut butter and high-fruit low-sugar preserves (if you can find one)


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