
I am so in love wih my daughter. There doesn't seem to be anything she does that doesn't automatically prompt me to kiss her and tell her how cute she is. I think about her all of the time and when she is sleeping I like to look at her pictures and watch videos of her. (I hope this is normal.) It really isn't fair though for Bruce and I to keep her all to ourselves though, so here are some pictures and video from the last week or so.

This first clip is from last night. We had company over and their oldest son found Charlotte's masochistic side. Everytime he would drop to the ground as if he had tripped, she would let out this infectious little belly laugh. You can't reallysee Caleb in this video, but you can hear him and he had a grand old time making our baby girl laugh. She has never quite given anyone this much laughter all at once. It went on for quite a long time and when the adults got a bit tired of the gig, Charlotte and Caleb were still going at it!

As I mentioned previously, Charlotte has really honed the skill of sitting up straight. Except for the drool she is constantly trying to share with others, she really is quite the little lady. Last night I was trying to help Caleb, a kindergartner, understand that Charlotte is about 6 months old. He doesn't understand fractions yet though, so I asked if he had ever had an apple. Of course, he had. So I explained that a 1 year old baby was lilke a whole apple, but Charlotte was just half of an apple. He seemed to understand that better and it helped that Charlotte had apples embroidered on her outfit.

And while this last video isn't nearly as exciting as the first, it does show off more of Charlotte's sitting up skills. She loves to beat things now that she knows how. This includes beating mommy on the back in an attempt to burp mommy, beating the ground to make noise, and beating mommy in the nose to wake her up in the middle of the night. I don't mind the first two, but a simple noise or wiggle would be enough to wake me up! You can also see though, that she is able to pull herself back up into a seated position after leaning over to play the drums ground.

Last night while we were at dinner with our friends, Charlotte experienced another first. I wish I had pictures of it, but she sat in a restaurant high chair for the first time! This skill of sitting up is coming in handy for us. I did put a pillow in there so she wouldn't get worn out from being in the chair and so she would be more comfy. Sorry though, no pictures of the chair since I didn't have my camera on me.

Stay tuned... I'll announce my giveaway winner soon!


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