7 Days - 13 Reasons

That's how long it has been since I posted to this blog. I have some good excuses for not being here in the last week, but you probably don't care. Just know that the threat of having the Barones move in next door was enough to get my keister back to the keyboard!

1. I was visiting my mom last weekend.
2. Then I was taking care of a sick husband.
3. Then the sick husband got pink eye so he couldn't entertain Charlotte.
4. I cut caffeine out of my diet, but Charlotte isn't sleeping more, so we are playing more.
5. We have gone to bed early a few nights this week due to 2 & 4,
6. I get home later now that I go to Curves each day after school.
7. I have to shower after I workout.
8. I couldn't find my camera to post pictures.
9. I was too busy reading these forums.
10. My planning periods were too busy to post a blog.
11. I'm sleeping in later so no time to post in the morning.
12. My baby brain can't remember all of my great post ideas.
13. Did I mention I was spending more time playing with Charlotte?

Even though I used excuse number 8, I found my camera today and here are some pictures from the last week. First, this is Charlotte on the big heart day. This outfit doubled as Christmas and Valentine's Day attire.
Next, we have Charlotte hanging out with her Auntie Beverly.
Hmmm... I wonder what she is pondering?
Finally, this one is especially for Grumpy.
Visit Thursday Thirteen for more fun.


  1. LOL.....we have been sick around here along with the car accident Jason was in and now we have to find a new vehicle fast. I was going to email you this weekend to see if everything is alright.

    Anyway, I am going through a tough time right now, but I just hope you don't feel ignored weby me.



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