My Brain Is Heavy

Given that I am married to a science teacher and someone who likes random facts, you might think that the title of this post has something to do with anatomy and a lab. But it doesn't.

Some people say that their heart is heavy when they are going through a trying time. For me, it's my brain right now, going through a trying time. My brain is processing so much right now I'm not quite ready to let my heart in on it all.

And when that happens, I have a heard time opening up my blog to write. Mostly this is because I have a million thoughts in my head and getting them down in a coherent way seems nearly impossible.

So, here's a bullet list of the sorts of things happening right now:
  • Leading a new MOPS group
  • Reading Don't Waste Your Life by John Piper (free download)
  • Still processing Crazy Love by Francis Chan
  • Planning something nice and nearly free for Valentine's Day
  • Figuring out how to home school Charlotte
  • Lamenting the end of speech therapy for Mary because our insurance changed
  • Watching friends be called to the mission field
  • Wondering how to bring in more income to help the budget without going to work full time
  • Trying to see how messy I can let my margins be without sacrificing my family
  • Wanting to do well in the Princess Half-Marathon
With all of this in my head, I have a hard time focusing on a single blog topic. Or a single topic of conversation for that matter! With the advice of my good friend Ida (who has an awesome, thought provoking blog) I have been making a more concerted effort to hand it all over to God in prayer.

Assuming I'm not the only one who is being distracted these days, what's distracting you?


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