Blogger Burnout

I have been suffering from a serious case of blogger burnout. It is the only thing that could explain my near 6 week absence from Family Musings. In August, I began writing for some other people and then my blog became all about obligations and I finally rebelled against my own self-imposed obligations outside writing commitments and took a break.

But I missed this blog. I missed sharing funny stories about Charlotte and Mary. (And there have been some good ones recently.) I missed sharing my amateur photography with you. I missed getting honest to goodness real feedback from my friends.

So, I'm back. I've got some stories and pictures to share. And I also have some review obligations to follow through on. Hopefully you'll enjoy the mix, get a good chuckle from Charlotte's antics, and maybe even discover a new product or company.


  1. I missed reading your posts! But sometimes you do need a break. Glad you are "back." :)


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