Charlotte's First Haircut

It took me a long time to finally be ready for Charlotte to get her first haircut. And at the end of the day, I'm not even sure she realizes she had it cut. Here is the story, mostly in photos, of Charlotte's first haircut.

First, the barber, Michael, plied her with Mickey stickers. Lots of Mickey stickers.

Then, he gave her even more Mickey stickers to keep her distracted, once she finished the banana in her hand though.

After a little squirt of water, the first cut happened. I wasn't looking too closely because I was trying to help Charlotte focus on the stickers.

Then, because the banana was all gone, it was time to see if the Mickey sticker tasted any good. Since Momma did make Charlotte leave the house without any breakfast. (We ate it in the car.)

 Still completely oblivious that Michael is cutting ~2 inches off of my hair...

Sharing my stickers with Michael's cheek. Notice the short hair?

 Not liking the bangs getting cut.

Rocking her new mouse ears. They say 'First Haircut' on the back and were included in the cost of the haircut ($14!)

Sharing a special moment with Michael after he showed her the new 'do.

Showing off her new 'do later in the day, but with her bangs brushed back since she didn't seem to like how they felt on her forehead.


  1. We did this with Sam, only the lady had to use clippers.

    She is so adorable!

  2. Aww, that's so special that Charlotte got her 1st haircut at WDW!!

  3. Michael did a good job shaping her hair. Was that at Disney World? How cool!

  4. She is will never forget her first haircut...ever!!!!


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