Mommas Get Sick Too

Sometimes Momma needs to call in for a sick day... when that happens, it is good to know that no substitute is needed. Daddy can take over and make sure little Charlotte has a good day.

Thanks Bruce! I love you!


  1. Aww! Hope you're feeling better! Over here Esme has the sick day today... She's so good-natured but so clearly miserable, too - I've been wiping snot all day!

  2. Sorry you've been sick...

    I know how hard it is when you have a baby or toddler at home.

    My kids are thankfully at an age that if I'm feeling crummy I can have them watch a video while I crawl under the covers for a nap...doesn't happen very often though. And actually the girl is old enough to "take care" of bringing beverages, extra blankets etc. if need be :)

  3. I pray you are feeling better is so hard to be a Mommy and be sick...

  4. Edi - Charlotte likes to think she can take care of me too. Her idea to help me feel better is lots of kisses. They work on me emotionally, but I am so worried she is going to get sick too!

    Michelle - Thanks, that was actually from the circus a couple of weeks ago. It was the most recent one with both of them in it.


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