Guest Blogger: Homeschool Library Builder

Tess, from The Oldschoolhouse Homeschool Crew is back with another review, this time for the Homeschool Library Builder.

Hi there!!!! I have been asked to pass some information on to you home schooling families or any other families that may be interested. There is a site called Homeschool Library Builder that I think will interest anyone that would like to expand a family library. We all know how expensive books can be and having the right book available right away during a lesson is important. Libraries are great, but sometimes they aren’t convenient. So check out this site for books that are very reasonable. There is a huge selection too. You can find their online store by clicking here.

This is a family run business that has lots of books to choose from. You can search by curricula, subject, and age. They have both used and new books. They have soft and hard cover. Their goal is to provide you with good, quality literature at affordable prices. They even provide a FREE membership that allows you to earn points to be used on future orders. You can also earn points for referrals.

Who doesn’t love a great deal? I guess it comes down to this - Homeschool Library Builder has great deals. You may be a home schooling family that would really benefit from this site. However, you don’t have to be a home schooling family to benefit from this site.

You can also see what other Homeschool Crew members are saying.


  1. Hi Jennifer,
    thanks so much for passing this along! I went to their site and bought 27 new books for less than $50, including shipping! (I'm having it shipped to a friend in the States who will be visiting us soon.) I'm so impressed, this is the kind of site I was looking for! I will never buy books from amazon again!

    Thanks again!


  2. I will never buy books from amazon as I don't trust. My friends have ordered through amazon but they failed to deliver the books. Libraries are great, but sometimes they aren’t convenient.

  3. Rachel - Glad this was useful to you.

    Lisa - Sorry to her your Amazon experience hasn't been so great. And you are right about libraries. Something that works for us is a program our library uses called Books by Mail. I can request up to 10 books at a time and they will mail them to my home. I can either mail them back (at my expense) or drop them in the box. It makes finding the books I want so much easier since I don't have to drag my daughter around the stacks looking for a particular book.

  4. I am so excited that one of my reviews proved useful. I knew there was a reason for doing this.

    Thanks for reading


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