Woogi! Woogi! Woogi!

Woogi! Woogi! Woogi!

Doesn't that sound funny? I thought so and so did my daughter when I kept repeating it to her. Of course, it doesn't take much to make a toddler giggle.

Woogi is the name of a "social networking" site for elementary aged and younger kids. I suppose it is similar to WebKinz, but Woogi has some features that make it stand out as definitely different, including a parental interaction feature that allows parents to influence the rewards their child receives in Woogi World.

Since my daughter is too little to appreciate Woogi World (except for how silly the name sounds), I asked the daughter of a friend of mine to take a look around and give me her opinion. Lindsey is 10 years old and in the 5th grade. Here is the review she wrote for Woogi World:

Woogi World is my new favorite website in the whole world! It's cute, fun and you even make new friends through it! It's awesome!!!!!

First, you select a cute Woogi. Then, you choose a name for it. Next, you make a private password. Then, you are basically all ready to play!

Some things I liked about Woogi World are:

  • That it is just a fun, cute website!
  • The games are cool, and
  • the places are cooler than you can imagine!

Some dislikes about Woogi World are:

  • That it takes you awhile to get the right name for your Woogi, some names are not allowed.
  • Another thing is that you can't chat with anybody till your up to the 2nd level.

And that's really all. Woogiworld.com rocks!!!!!!

Thanks Lindsay!


  1. Great post. Lindsay wrote a great review and glad she loved interacting with the game :)


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