Monday Meditation - Week 4

Last week, I started making a more deliberate effort to "teach" Charlotte. It isn't anything formal, I mean, she's only been 1 for a week! But I needed something to focus my energies and this site, shared with me by an old friend, helped. Each 2-week lesson includes a Bible verse to recite for Charlotte. I don't expect she will learn too much from this right now, but as I mentioned previously, it is my job to be an example to her.

The verse I meditated on last week, and will again spend time considering this coming week is Proverbs 1.5.
"A wise man will listen and increase his learning, and a discerning man will obtain guidance."
There are lots of things that I am good at. I can cook a pretty tender chicken, changing a diaper is no problem (now), and I'm pretty good at keeping up my e-mail correspondence. One thing however, that I am very NOT good at is listening.

Ask my dad. We can be talking on the phone and all of a sudden he'll ask me if I've checked out. He always knows when my mind has wandered away from our conversation.

Ask my husband. I have asked him at least 8 times this summer what classes he is teaching this year. Finally, last week, after time number 8, I got it down - 11th grade IB World Religion, 11th grade IB Biology, and 9th grade Earth-Space Science/Biology.

So with this week's verse, I asked him to print it out and I've posted it downstairs, where I will see it several times a day. This verse speaks 2 points to me.

First, listen to learn. I can't learn from other people or God if I am the one doing all the talking. I must be quiet. This is hard for me. I like noise.

Second, seek wisdom. I am not expected to be the all-wise, all-knowing mom. Wise people ask for guidance, so why shouldn't I also ask for wisdom? I am not wise yet, but I want to be so I should emulate those who are.

What are you meditating on this week? Leave a link to your own post, or just leave your thoughts in a comment below.

Also, I'll be beginning a study of Lies Women Believe: And the Truth that Sets Them Free in a couple of weeks and would love to have some of my blogging buddies join me. I will probably use this study as a focus for my Monday Meditations and it would be fun to have some online friends contribute as well. If you are interested, leave me a note in the comments and get yourself a copy of the book and workbook. We start Friday, September 5th!


  1. I am going through that same exact book right now!

  2. My 1st time visiting here; saw your comment on my hubby's blog (Ken's Place) and saw your profile pic with the pink motorcycle, so I just had to come visit!
    I haven't read that book, but I have myself a big ol's stack I'm working through right now. I'm really liking Beth Moore's "Believing God"!


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