
I've been meaning to share a great new site with you for a week or so now and can't believe it has taken me this long! (Actually, I can... I am still unpacking boxes and assembling furniture.) was unveiled at the beginning of the month and is an excellent source of information for new mothers. And it isn't just for babies. It has information starting with pregnancy all the way through 4 years old, and a special section for moms. However, what sets this site apart from or any of the other parenting sites is it's focus on videos.

Maria Bailey, one of the founding moms, really wanted to create a place on the web for parents to share videos with those relatives too far away to experience our children in person. She wrote on her first blog post for

Just think, now you can record your baby's first word on your webcam, upload it to your Newbaby Video Gallery and share it with your partner, grandparents or distant family members. Can you imagine recording your 1st grader's thoughts on the first day of school and having them when he graduates from high school? It's now possible and you don't have to transfer tapes to disks or worry that the VCR is plugged in.

I think this site will be more than just parents sharing their babies' first steps though. I found an article about reducing sugar in our kids' diets, fitting in fitness, and planning a birthday party (hmmm, wonder why THAT is on my mind?!).

imageFor the month of July, they are giving away something new everyday. But you have to register to be entered.

Disclaimer: I was not paid or reimbursed in any way for talking about But, I am excited about the site and even more excited that my blog is being featured on their home page! Thanks Heidi!


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