Video & Picture Fest

I thought it would be fun to lead with that! Exciting isn't... and on her 12 week birthday. Yep, that's right, our baby girl is 12 weeks old today. My how time flies. When I put her down for tummy time this afternoon she was trying to flip herself over almost before I let go of her. She was definitely showing off for Mommy and her company this afternoon. She also knew when I had the camera because this was the last time she flipped over today. Once I put the camera in front of her she just did a lot of kicking.

Since I had the camera turned to video mode this afternoon, I decided to fulfill my curious desire to see what Charlotte sees when she is lying in her crib watching her new mobile. Because I don't believe it would be prudent to actually crawl up in there, I shot this footage. How long do you think you could watch this without getting board?

And now for some photos...

Saturday Dr. Sabin and I put on some of the finest clothes in our closet and headed out to celebrate our status as Homecoming King and Queen. Charlotte wore her Eeyore costume and was adored by many. These are the only pictures I have from our camera that are worth sharing. Our friend Tina took some and they can be found here.

On Sunday, we took Charlotte for her first visit to Bok Tower in Lake Wales. The lighting was good that day since it was just a touch overcast and here are some lovely pictures of our family. I'd love to go back some day with a professional, or even a really good amateur, and have portraits done. There is nothing about this first picture with Bruce and Charlotte that I don't love.

Here, I thought it would be cute to execute the pose below... instead, it looks like she is an unwilling participant in a sacrifice to the tower.

Here's a more loving photo between mother and daughter. This is my favorite one of the two of us from our fun picnic at the tower.


  1. Charlotte is adorable!

    My heart goes out to you! I read your post in which you ran through a typical work morning, getting up and getting both of you to your destinations on time. So much I take for granted. You are doing so well. I know it's hard to leave her at the daycare, but by God's grace you'll manage. I hope He makes a way for you to have the best of both worlds, Jennifer.

    Many blessings, and ((hugs)),

  2. Thanks Mary. Fortunately, we have adjusted fairly well to our new schedule and the only kink is that we both have head colds this week. We rely on His grace to make it through everyday because my body can't survive on the 4-5 hours of sleep a night I'vve been getting.


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